Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wedge Salad

Whoever the lazy chef was who didn't feel like tearing up his salad greens is probably rich now. Wedge salads have become trendy, and they are stupidly easy to make. Whether you go for a basic iceberg lettuce, or strive to impress with endive, these are all about the presentation. If it looks pretty, your guests will be impressed.

1 head of lettuce - I recommend a tight lettuce like Iceberg or Endive
Salad dressing of choice - thicker ones like bleu cheese, ranch, or French work best
Garnishes - bacon bits, onion, tomato, cucumber - any combination

1. Wash lettuce and cut off most of the stem, leaving enough to hold the head together. Cut larger heads of lettuce into 6 pieces lengthwise. For endive, you'll get about 4 servings. Plate each wedge.

2. Dice garnishes into small pieces, about the same size as the bacon bits.

3. Drizzle wedges with about 2 Tb of salad dressing apiece. Sprinkle lightly with the garnishes and serve chilled.

Serves 4 to 6

Difficulty rating  π

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