Sunday, December 24, 2023

Vegetable & Bean Casserole

I bought a can of cannellini beans with some great idea of what to do with them and put it on the meal calendar.  No idea what I was going to make.  Probably this, but who knows.

This continued to evolve at the market and as I was throwing things into the saucepan.  I realized later on that I had wanted to use rendered bacon as the fat instead of butter, but by then everything was in the casserole.  Mentioning it as an option and for anyone who doesn't care if this ends up vegetarian.

Lately, I've been dreading doing the dishes.  There aren't any more of them than usual, I just suddenly hate washing them.  I think it's a time management thing, which makes it entirely my own fault.  I've gotten really bad with my motivation and finishing what I set out to do each day.  Maybe should make that part of my New Year's resolutions.  Anyway, I managed to get this recipe down to one saucepan and a casserole, plus the cutting board.

I did use almond meal instead of breadcrumbs as a low-carb thing.  I had made some mince pies and was trying to balance the carb load.  If that isn't an issue for you, absolutely use breadcrumbs or crushed crackers on top.

*1/2 C diced onion
2 Tb butter
salt and pepper to taste
*1/2 tsp dried thyme
1 Tb flour
1 C milk
*1 10-oz brick frozen spinach
1/2 lb carrots, peeled and diced
*1 15 oz can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
*4 oz (about 1 C) shredded white cheddar
*1/4 C almond meal or 1/2 C breadcrumbs

1.  Place unwrapped spinach in an 8x8 casserole and microwave according to package directions.  If you want your sauce extra thick, drain off some of the water.  Set aside and preheat oven to 350º.

2.  In a medium saucepan melt butter over medium heat.  Add onion and cook until softened, about 5 minutes.  Add a pinch of salt and pepper and the thyme and cook until fragrant.

3.  Add flour and stir until pasty and cooked.  Add milk in stages, allowing mixture to thicken between additions.

4.  Once sauce is thickened, taste and adjust seasonings, keeping in mind that cheese is salty.  Add diced carrots and the drained beans.  Sprinkle in cheese and allow to melt.

5.  Pour sauce mixture into casserole and stir until mixed with the spinach.  Sprinkle with crumbs and bake until bubbling and golden, about 20 minutes.  You're getting everything to the same temperature and cooking the carrots.  Allow to rest 10 minutes before serving.

Difficulty level  :)

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