Thursday, December 21, 2023

Russian Tea Cakes

 I've done a variation of these Snowballs, European Wedding Cakes, Mexican Wedding Cakes, whatever you want to call them.  They're honestly the easiest Christmas cookie around and everyone loves them.

I did mess with them a little and add some micro chocolate chips, which you can see in the photo, but I usually just add the walnuts.

This post will be a half recipe, which is easy since there's no egg in these.  Just one sheet of cookies in the oven while you're getting dressed for whatever holiday party you forgot to make something for.

1/2 C (1 stick) butter
1/4 C powdered sugar, plus more for dusting
1 C + 2 Tb flour
*1/3 C finely chopped walnuts or other nut
dash of salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking powder

1.  Cream together butter, sugar, and vanilla.  Sift together flour, salt, and baking powder.

2.  Beat flour into creamed butter, scraping the bowl at least once.  Gently beat in nuts.  Form into a disc, wrap in plastic wrap, and chill until firm, about half an hour.

3.  Preheat oven to 350º and line a baking sheet with parchment or a baking mat.

4.  Form into 3/4" balls and place at least 1" apart on the sheet.  Bake until pale gold, about 20 minutes.

5.  While still warm, roll in powdered sugar or sprinkle it on top.  Cool on a wire rack before plating.

Makes about 18

Difficulty rating  π

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