Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Slow-Cooker Overnight Oats

I promise, this will not become a Crockpot blog.  I just really liked the texture and wanted to post it.

Steel-cut oats don't actually require any cooking.  You can soak them overnight and get a lovely, nutty texture.  Cooking them on the stove for at least half an hour retains some of the whole-grain mouthfeel.  Leaving them in the slow cooker overnight gets you just the kind of pudding mush I was in the mood for.

This one is definitely in the porridge family.  You're getting mushy, pudding-like oatmeal out of this.  Full disclosure.  I wanted that, and was very pleased with the result.  Some other day, I might want a different result.  But the slow cooker was on the counter and I was really hoping for this texture.

*1 C steel-cut oats
3 C water
2 tsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
*1/4 C raisins
milk as needed

1.  Place oats, water, brown sugar, cinnamon, and raisins in slow cooker.  Stir to combine.  Set heat to "keep warm" and go to bed.

2.  In the morning, stir mixture and turn up heat to Low.  Stir in milk (or water) to desired consistency and let it come up to temperature while you take a shower and make coffee.

3.  Ladle up warmed oatmeal into bowls.  Top with shredded coconut, sliced almonds, or any other garnish as desired.

Difficulty rating  π

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