Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Typical Chanukah

I did not invite anyone over for Chanukah because NaNoWriMo took so much of my time in November that I forgot.  I barely remembered to send off East coast gifts in time.  I even did the grocery shopping the same day, questioning my sanity in making a roast and latkes in three hours.  It was a bit elaborate for only me, but the miracle of the roast should be enough for six of the eight days.  The smallest one was almost two pounds.

Taking the time to cook did remind me how much I've missed it.  I no longer dread spending an hour preparing dinner, feeling guilty that I should be working on the book.  I've put away that half-assed attempt at a novel for at least a couple of months.  When I decide to go back to it, I'll have fresh eyes and a better idea what's wrong with the story.  I can also feel free to cut anything that isn't working.  During NaNo, you need every word you can get and nothing gets cut.

Cranberry Brisket
Potato Latkes
Steamed Asparagus

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