Monday, May 1, 2023

Batch Peeling Garlic


I made another batch of tomato and garlic confit, so this time I blogged the new peeling hack.

It isn't perfect, but was far easier than trying to peel the cloves while they're dry.  The skins get sticky and fly all over the kitchen.  It's still going to take you 10 minutes to peel three heads of garlic.

This method does par-cook the garlic, so it is not to be used for serving it raw.  If you're going to be cooking, baking, or frying the peeled cloves, this is not an issue.

1.  Separate the cloves from the base.  Cut off the root ends of the cloves and place them in a bowl.

2.  Pour boiling water over the cloves and let sit until cool enough to handle, about 10 minutes.

3.  Peel garlic.  The water will have seeped under the skin and loosened it for you.

Difficulty rating  π

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