Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Cold Got Worse

So much for my minor sore throat and sniffles.  I spent a whole day sneezing, followed by a night of low-grade fever.  I actually took a sick day off of work, and I can't remember the last time I did that.  Mainly because I don't get sick often.  My energy level recovered first, but I had too many symptoms to be preparing food for others.  Yesterday and today are my regular days off, but I'm largely treating them as extra sick days to get over this thing.

I still had to eat something.  The downside of shopping at Sprouts is it's very hard to find reasonably priced junk food, which is all you really want when you're sick.  The closest I got was herbed goat-cheese mashed potatoes, with a side of steak and fresh green beans.  I baked off all the Linzer cookie dough in the freezer, mainly to keep me from eating ice cream.  (Most of the baked cookies went back in the freezer for a future teatime.)  Once the fever went away, I got really hungry.

On the upside, if you have to be sick, staying in on a rainy day drinking tea and napping with the cat is a pretty decent way to do it.

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