Friday, September 1, 2017

Repurposed Ingredients

I made a random pasta dish recently that only "cost" me 50¢ of pasta.  In reality, I had bought remaining ingredients for other dishes or grown them.  This has been going on for a while.
I had a cold, mezze style dinner and didn't finish everything, so I bought a bit of ahi and kept going.  More leftovers and some backyard produce made me buy a pack of pita bread and some feta to make Greek sandwiches.  There was baba ghannouj left from that, so it went on bread, and you can kind of see how it kept rolling until I threw pretty much everything else together into two days of salad.
This continues my mantra of any food you waste being the most expensive thing you bought.  I can justify a more expensive ingredient here and there because I use it.  Even a bit of leftover pumpkin seed from the horchata came in handy on some overnight oats.

The only things I have that are in danger of spoiling are half a bunch of cilantro and maybe the milk, so I can feel free to look for deals the next time I shop.  A couple of days after Labor Day, all the meats they couldn't sell get discounted, so that's a good place to start.

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