Saturday, January 20, 2024

Saucing it Up

Still not doing an actual Pantry Challenge.  I just got tired of all the million jars and baggies cluttering up the kitchen freezer.  I decided to do a basic ground turkey and pasta, then add whatever sauce to it I dug up, a different one each evening, until the pasta part was gone.

I'm not sure this even counts as a recipe.  I cooked up whatever onion ends I had in the fridge and an eggplant, because why not, in the skillet before adding the ground turkey.  Once the pasta was done, I drained and added that.  Then, once a portion was on the plate, I covered it with some leftover spaghetti sauce.  Half hour dinner, check.

The next night, I reheated some of it with sweet and sour sauce.  Very different taste, but still good.  And the broccoli on both those nights was the first head from my garden.

There wasn't enough pasta sauce left for a full serving, so I used a dollop of pesto to round it out.  I need to do that more often.  Veggies courtesy of my freezer collection.

And the last night, I felt like a peanut sauce with some of my new batch of kimchi.  And completely forgot to take a photo of it.  There was just a bit left over still, so it became lunch the next day with some BBQ sauce.

If you start with something neutral, you can turn leftovers into a completely different flavor profile.  Yes, it was still ground turkey and pasta, but a little effort turned the leftovers into something new.  This can help a lot when batch cooking for someone who doesn't approve of the concept of leftovers.  Plus, there's a lot more room in my kitchen freezer now.

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