Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Layered Cherry Gelatin Ring

Yes, I have been reduced to sugar-free Jell-O and calling fruit dessert.  Of course, this recipe works just as well with regular gelatin mix.  Probably better.  And I didn't realize that sugar-free only comes in the bigger boxes, at least where I shop.  I got out the big Tupperware bundt-style mold, since it has a 6 cup capacity.  The smaller one I intended to use is only 4 cup, which wouldn't leave room for the fruit.

I got cherries for 80¢ a pound.  Not a typo, and they weren't gross.  I should have gotten more and canned them, but I'm not making pie filling this year, boo-hoo.  So many things I miss.

I had a minor catastrophe when turning out the mold, which was entirely my fault.  I let it sit in the warm water too long.  I could see it was drippy around the edges and turned it over anyway.  It won't break if you unmold it properly.  Or, you can make these single-serving in wine or plastic picnic glasses, and turning them over will not be an issue.

1 large package cherry gelatin mix
*2 C (about 1 lb) sweet cherries
1/3 C lite sour cream
whipped topping for serving

1.  Prepare gelatin according to package directions in a medium bowl.  Refrigerate in the bowl, and start checking after one hour.  When you stir it, you should get a rough texture that settles down smooth in a minute and not a whole lot of resistance.

2.  During that hour, pit your cherries.  You will end up with about 1-1/2 C after pitting, which really isn't fair.  If working with frozen fruit, use 1-1/2 C and put them in frozen.  It will help the dessert set faster.

3.  Pour half of the gelatin into a mold or 8 single serving cups.  Drop half of the cherries into the gelatin.  They will sink eventually.  Refrigerate the mold until mostly set, another hour, while leaving the remainder at room temperature so it doesn't gel.

4.  Stir sour cream into remaining gelatin until smooth.  Pour into mold and add remaining cherries.  Chill until firm, at least 4 hours.

5.  To turn out, dip mold in warm water for 30 seconds, until it just barely starts to melt around the outer edge.  Place serving plate on top and flip over.  If the gelatin doesn't drop, place back in bowl for another short while.  Not 2 minutes.  Slice and serve with whipped topping.

Serves 8

Difficulty rating  :)

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