Monday, August 14, 2023

Citrus Slaw

I spent the extra on a bag of coleslaw shreds from Sprouts rather than end up with at least half a cabbage left over.  They don't come with dressing or onions.  Probably should have gotten the kit from somewhere that does, but the veggies looked very fresh.

What this did was give me freedom to finish the salad how I wished.  I've been making all my own salad dressings during this low-carb journey.  You would be amazed how much sugar is in most dressings, especially the "lite" ones.  Lite generally refers to low fat, and 90% of the time the flavor the fat brings is replaced with sugar.  I've known this for a long time, but never cared when my focus was on fat content.

Let's face it, the appeal of most coleslaws is the sugar in the dressing.  It's why I love KFC's, when I generally don't like mayo.  Here, the sugar is replaced with citrus fruits.  I still have a lot of orange baggies in the freezer because I've been buying fresh fruit instead.  I need to be better about using my frozen produce.  Its basket is seriously full.  I pulled out a few of those and some limes I had bought on clearance and never gotten around to preparing for the freezer.

I'm adding broccoli to this one because my plants were putting out more than I could find uses for.  They were the tender side shoots that don't form a head, what is often sold at a premium as broccolini.  There are all sorts of veggies you can add to a slaw.  Get creative.

1 small bag coleslaw shreds
1/4 C thinly sliced yellow or red onion
2-3 oranges, peeled and segmented
*1/2 C (lite) mayo
*juice of 2 limes
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp white pepper
1/8 tsp paprika
milk or buttermilk as needed

1.  In a large bowl, toss together prepared salad, sliced onion, and half the orange pieces.

2.  In a small bowl, whisk together mayo, lime juice, and seasonings.  Add milk to achieve a ranch dressing-like consistency.

3.  Toss together salad and dressing until everything is coated.  Place in serving bowl and top with remaining orange pieces.  Chill until ready to serve.

Serves 6-8

Difficulty rating  π

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