Saturday, July 15, 2023

All-Day Chili

Ok, I'm not going to get into any arguments about the "real" chili, or if there should be beans in it, or if tomatoes belong in chili in the first place.  If you want an in-depth discussion of the history of chili, I recommend Max Miller's Tasting History.  That's not what I'm making today.

What I'm making here started with Natasha's Kitchen, since it was listed as a proper slow cooker chili.  It's also almost identical to the one in the low-carb nutrition book I bought.  Then I changed it to accommodate my own preferences and tiny Crockpot.  Because that's really what chili is.  Chili is the sauce, however you like it.  The solids are there to give you an excuse to eat the sauce.

The nice part about this recipe is that it's about 10 minutes of work in the morning and you get a hot dinner in the evening.  While I used the slow cooker, this post will also give stovetop and oven instructions.  I've only had the Crockpot for a few months, and still think in other modes of cooking.

A special note, only use canned beans in this recipe.  You will not be cooking above the boiling point, so they won't get done.  Especially if you use red beans, which must be boiled at least 20 minutes of their cooking time to eliminate a toxin.  It's also why I'm having you rinse the kidney beans instead of dumping in the can.  Just in case.

*1 lb ground beef, 80/20 or leaner
1/2 onion, diced
*1 clove garlic, minced
1 tsp cumin
1 Tb chili powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp kosher salt, or to taste
1/4 tsp pepper, or to taste
1 15oz can kidney (or other favorite bean), rinsed
1 15oz can diced tomatoes
*1 Tb tomato paste
water as needed
toppings for serving, like shredded cheese, avocado, jalapeños, sour cream, cilantro, etc

1.  If using, place liner in slow cooker.  You'll thank me later.  Actually, if you're using the oven, it couldn't hurt to place a roasting liner in a 2-3 qt casserole.  If using oven, preheat to 175º, or the lowest setting you can.  The meat needs to cook to 165º, and hold above 135º.  Everything else in this dish is either cooked already after step 2 or doesn't need to be.

2.  In a medium skillet over medium-high heat, brown the beef and break into crumbles.  I have a hack for draining off the excess fat.  When about 75% of it has been rendered, hold a mesh strainer over the trash and pour off the liquids into it.  Then, any meat that falls will be caught.  Return to skillet and add onion, garlic, and spices, which will cook in any last-minute fat that renders off the meat.  Cook until meat is browned and onion is softened, another 5 minutes.

3.  Add meat mixture to prepared casserole (or 4 qt saucepan).  Stir in drained kidney beans, tomatoes in their juice, and tomato paste.  If necessary, add water to about 1/2" below ingredients.  Stir together.  For stovetop, cover and set at lowest heat for 4-6 hours (also for slow cooker on high setting).  For low oven or slow cooker on low setting, cook 6-8 hours.  If you're around, stir and check water level every few hours.  If you are going to be gone all day, maybe start with more water to allow for evaporation.

4.  When ready to serve, stir thoroughly and have plenty of garnishes available.

Difficulty rating  π

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