Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Last Roll of Wax Paper


I was going to use some homemade nutmeg extract in a batch of cranberry-almond biscotti, but I couldn't get the lid off.  While the cookies were baking, I set the jar in the sun until the metal lid expanded more than the glass bottle and I could get it unscrewed.  Science at work.  Too late for those cookies, but at least I don't have to throw out 4 months of work.

Before putting the lid back on, I decided to line the rim with wax paper.  I did that to all the other metal/glass extract jars, and it kept them from rusting or sticking together.  I reached for the wax paper in the cabinet, and it was still sealed.  The one box of wax paper was being opened.

My mom passed away in May of 2010.  I have not bought wax paper yet, despite using it for cakes, lining cookie tins, wrapping meats in it, and dozens of other uses.  There were about six rolls of it in the cabinet, plus the one I brought when I moved.  There's a 1994 copyright mark on the box.  It doesn't mean the paper is that old, but it could be close to that.

This is what I've been meaning all along with this blog, and more recently with watching Prepper videos.  Preparing for lean or difficult times is one thing.  Those pass, and the idea is that you're constantly going through your pantry items and replenishing when you do have the funds.  Hoarding is when you have no idea what you have and over-buy to the extent that things are going to be wasted.  That's what I started with, and why stocking up this Fall has been so difficult for me emotionally.  It isn't who I am.  I can't wait until the world and national situations are stable enough that I feel comfortable again only keeping one or two weeks of backups, and no emergency items like boxed milk.  Although, I do admit to enjoying the guilty pleasure of canned foods for lunch.  Chef Boy-Ardee is pretty awesome when you're in the mood for it.

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