Sunday, March 22, 2020

Bastani (Saffron & Rose Ice Cream)

In the non-vegan category of Persian cooking, but still vegetarian and KLP, is this ice cream.  I happened to see it advertised in a shop window while I was driving around.  Didn't stop to buy some, just instantly decided I would try to make it instead.

I don't think this is part of any Nowrouz (Persian New Year) celebration, nor would ice cream have been a thing in ancient times.  There's a long and complicated history between Nowrouz and Purim that I'm not going to get into.  They happen at the same time, like Passover & Easter or Channukah & Christmas.  All three pairs are really much older than that and represent a transition of pagan rituals to religious ones.  Nowrouz is actually Zoroastrian, which many consider a pagan belief.

Anyway, I digress.  That's what happens when you start researching food from cultures older than civilization.  My recipe search turned up many versions of this ice cream, with differing opinions on how much saffron, rose water, and vanilla to use.  To make this KLP, I'm skipping the vanilla and subbing in homemade (vodka-based) lavender extract.  I'm making my own vanilla extract with non-grain vodka and a vanilla bean, but that takes a month and it isn't ready.

This recipe will get expensive if you don't have saffron already.  That $20 investment will last you months, if not longer.  I do recommend searching the grocery store's clearance shelves before buying from the aisles.  The rose water is harder to find, but the bottle I got at Super Sun was only $2.

Every recipe does agree on putting chopped pistachios in or on the ice cream.  I don't like pistachios.  Sorry, you're getting almonds in the photo.

2 C cream
*2 C milk
4 egg yolks
1 C sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp saffron threads
*2 Tb rose water
chopped pistachios for garnish

1.  Heat cream and milk in a saucepan over medium-low heat.  Stir frequently, until it reaches a low boil.

2.  While Step 1 is going on, whisk together egg yolks, sugar, and vanilla.  In a separate cup, crush saffron threads.  Once the milk gets very warm, add 2 Tb to the saffron, so it can infuse.
3.  Remove milk from the heat.  Add half a cup to the egg mixture and whisk until combined.  Add another half cup and whisk again.  The container should be warm and the tempered mixture smooth.

4.  Pour egg mix back into the saucepan and whisk to distribute.  Also add saffron milk and rose water.  Return to the heat and cook until somewhat thickened, stirring constantly.  Do not let the mixture boil, or the eggs are going to curdle.  It's ok if you can't smell the rose water.  Resist the temptation to add more.
5.  Remove thickened custard from the heat.  Place a piece of plastic wrap touching the surface to prevent a skin from forming.  Chill thoroughly, at least 4 hours.

6.  Process in an ice cream maker to soft-serve consistency, then pour into a freezable container.  I suggest raking it up with a fork every hour until frozen, about 4 more hours.  Serve garnished with the chopped nuts.

Serves 6-8

Difficulty rating  :)

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