Monday, January 10, 2011

Fruit Salad with Honey-Lime Yogurt

So, what does a breakfast-lover do when she has sworn off all those fancy breakfast pastries? Come up with just as fancy an alternative.

Look at the sugar content of your average fruit-at-the-bottom yogurt. Now look at a box of Ding-Dongs. I'm not kidding. If they could make a Ding-Dong without all that saturated fat, we wouldn't be having this discussion. The alternative is to buy fat-free plain yogurt and get creative. Yogurt is very versatile. It can be used in soups, sauces, desserts, or as a meal in itself. Its probiotic qualities are well documented. It just doesn't taste all that great without a little help. In this case, you don't need to add much sweetener because you're serving it over sweet fruit.

I am suddenly a convert to the wheat bran fan club. You can't really taste it, it's cheap, and it is incredibly nutritious for its size. I plan to sneak some into any meal that is lacking in fiber. It would disappear entirely in breadcrumbs.

2 C plain nonfat yogurt
1 lime
2 Tb honey
1 apple
1 C seedless grapes
1 pear
2 Tb wheat bran flakes

1. Stir honey into yogurt. Zest lime and add to yogurt. Add juice of lime and stir well. Chill until ready to use.

2. Chop apple and pear into bite-sized pieces. Toss with grapes and divide into four cereal bowls.

3. Spoon 1/2 C of yogurt over each bowlful of fruit. Sprinkle with bran and serve.

Difficulty rating  π

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