Monday, September 16, 2024

Stevia-Sweetened Lemonade

Steve the stevia plant is doing very well.  No idea why, since all of my gardening adventures involve planting something and hoping it ends well.  I tried making an herbal brew of basil, mint, stevia, and black tea.  It was delicious, but ended up far too sweet.  Then I thought that "too sweet" is never a problem for lemonade and gave this a try.

Given that the average person does not have an overgrown stevia plant in the front yard, I'm going to try to adjust this for granulated, store-bought stevia, based on my own experience making lemonade with erythritol.  Which now has been found to be not good for you.  Come on, science, I need a way to cut back on sugar naturally.  Cane sugar, in moderation, is turning out to be the least damaging sweetener there is.

*3-4 lemons
1 Tb stevia granules or *2 generous sprigs fresh

1.  To make the sweet base, combine 1 C water, stevia, and the peel of half of the lemons in a small saucepan.  Bring to a light boil, then lower to a simmer for 5 minutes.  Allow to cool to room temperature naturally.

2.  Juice the lemons, which should get you about 3/4 to 1 cup of juice.

3.  Strain solids out of the now-yellow water and combine with the juice.  Add enough cold water to make 4 cups, stir, and taste.  Add more stevia to taste and chill until ready to serve.

Makes one quart

Difficulty rating  π

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