Thursday, June 27, 2024

Pan-Seared Tofu BBQ Bowl

Yes, another bowl recipe.  It works on a plate, too, but I do have the bowls.

This falls somewhere between Chinese and Korean, with Japanese sushi-style rice.  I threw all kinds of Asian-inspired ingredients into it and topped it with the Bibigo barbecue sauce.

We need to talk about my green onion problem.  I let six of them go to seed, and really only looked at the blossom heads for several weeks.  When I finally traced them down to the root, I found ridiculously thick onion bases.  Like leek sized.  I pulled one for this recipe, the one that I don't think will have successful seeds.  Those are foot-square patio tiles.  Once I do get a seed head, I'm going to pull the rest and have a massive dehydration session.  And green onion pesto.  Maybe you can pickle them.  I need to do some more research.

1 small head green or napa cabbage, 1-1/2 to 2 lbs
1/2 lb carrots
*1 bunch green onions
1 C shelled edamame (frozen is fine)
Neutral oil as needed
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 package firm tofu
1 C Calrose or other white rice
*bottled Korean BBQ sauce for serving

1.  To prep the veggies, remove core from cabbage and slice thinly.  Peel carrots and slice in rounds or diagonals about 1/2" thick.  Slice white parts of onions thinly and the greens about 1" long.

2.  Heat 1 Tb oil in a large skillet with a lid or soup pot over medium heat.  Add cabbage, onions, and salt.  Once they start to cook down, add carrots and edamame.  Stir to distribute ingredients.  Lower heat to medium-low and cover.

3.  Start making the rice according to package directions.  Drain tofu, then slice into 8 slabs.  Dry on paper towels or dish towels.  I used one dish towel for several minutes, then transferred them to a dry towel to finish.

4.  Heat about 1 to 2 Tb oil in a large skillet or griddle, enough to coat the bottom, over medium-high heat until shimmering.  Lay tofu on the griddle and allow to fry until lightly browned, at least 5 minutes per side.  Stir the vegetables every few minutes while the other items are cooking.

5.  Plate rice and vegetables first in the bowl, then top with a couple of slabs of tofu.  Drizzle with sauce and serve hot.

Difficulty rating  π (but there are a lot of dishes)

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