Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Springtime Abundance

I haven't done a gardening post in a while, and stuff has been growing.

The artichokes did me a favor and didn't all bloom at the same time.  I had enough of the same-sized buds for Seder, which I always try for but had not previously achieved.  The super-late date contributed.

I had started my peas very late because the nights were cold well into February.  They finally started to climb the trellis, after which they went a bit bonkers, with yummy results.

My regrown green onions started to grow their scapes sooner than I was expecting, so I put my last eggplant seedling in with them.  I'm keeping three for seed, which means I can now use the rest and give Eggy more room to grow.  There are also some from-seed onions growing in another pot with a couple of garlic.

I'm still growing more celery than one person needs, but I did use a lot during Passover.  There are three lacinato kale, which allowed me to use some in a matzoh lasagna instead of spinach.

I now have at least a full year's worth of dried thyme, probably more, so those are going to come out of the lettuce patch soon.  They have gone to flower, and the faintly lilac-colored buds are very pretty, but that means they don't taste right anymore.  I might sow some more cilantro, since I used a lot of it for Seder, and you can never have too much cilantro anyway.  I have almost two months before it gets too warm for it.

My new attempt is stevia.  Since I have enough basil for a while, I put a rather expensive stevia start in that pot, which was instantly named Steve.  You can't use it exactly the way the granulated stuff works, but you can drop a leaf in brewing coffee or tea instead of sugar.  That may be as much as I get out of it anyway.  It is notoriously hard to grow.

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