Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Green Tea Ice Cream

99 Ranch didn't have any green tea ice cream.  If they had, the brand was selling at $10.49 for 1.5 quarts.  Hard pass on that.  I bought some matcha powder instead.  Off to the internet again.

I found a simple and clear recipe on Just One Cookbook.  The author specifies that this version is more like what you would find in Japan than the super-sweet, overly creamy versions often found in America.  There are no eggs, and only four ingredients.  This is the kind of ice cream you have as a single, small scoop, not an overflowing bowl.  That's just what I had in mind.

While I'm giving instructions for using an ice cream maker, you can also do this by the freezer-and-fork method.  That requires you to rake the cream every half hour it is in the freezer until firm, about 4 hours.  I've done it, and I would rather just spend the $30 on an ice cream maker.  The bowl lives in my freezer, and I don't notice it as taking up space.  The design works so well that it really hasn't changed in a couple of decades.  It's worth considering if you haven't bought one yet and want to make ice creams.

2 C Half and Half
1/2 C sugar
1/8 tsp kosher salt
3 Tb matcha powder

1.  Stir together half and half, sugar, and salt in a saucepan.  Sift matcha into the pot.  The powder tends to clump, and it still will a bit when it hits the cream.

2.  Heat mixture over medium heat, stirring or whisking constantly to avoid scorching.  You don't need to bring it to a full boil.  Just get the salt and sugar, and tea fully dissolved.  Remove from heat.  Cover surface with plastic wrap to avoid developing a skin and chill to refrigerator temperature, 2-3 hours.

3.  Process cream in ice cream maker according to manufacturer's directions.  Because this isn't as thick as a custard, it might take a little longer.  Mine took close to half an hour to get to soft-serve consistency.  Pour into a freezer-safe container and chill until firm, about 4 hours.

4.  Scoop shortly before serving, or pre-portion into bowls and keep them in the freezer until needed.

Serves 4-6

Difficulty rating  :)

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