Saturday, August 1, 2020

Gardening and Grocery Store Sushi

These two topics aren't related.  There was no point in making two posts for a lifestyle update.

I've been cooking pretty much every meal for the past four months.  (Five?  I've lost track.)  As a result, I haven't had to do any filler garden posts.  You missed in-depth discussions about the butterflies I'm at war with.  I just glossed over it by admitting to non-organic pesticides, but it's been an almost daily battle against their larvae.  I had to wait for the Eight-treated kale leaves to be replaced by healthier leaves that had only been treated with Neem oil before I could eat any.

I planted butternut squash seeds where I can see them from my kitchen window.  Since they don't get watered by the sprinklers, it's a good reminder to do it.
That little butterfly is destroying my harvest
The pond did much better pest-wise.  The butterfly also knew I would nail it with the garden hose every time I saw it.  Brat would go back the second I closed the door.  I've been eating carrots and some radishes transplanted from my neighbor's garden.  He didn't understand the concept of thinning and ended up with far too many plants.  I have one beet large enough to use and several that are working on it.  The carrot tops seem to be hiding the cucumbers, but I do still have one cucumber vine in the front yard and planted some more seeds to keep it company.
My neighbor is having the larva issues, plus a snail invasion.  I tamed mine months ago, and loaned him the box of snail bait.  They love sunflowers, apparently.  Neighbor Smurf has warned me that he's going to give me yellow squash.  Why me?!  I need to find some recipes.
The second part of the post title is because I realized I hadn't had sushi since restaurants closed in March.  Probably the last time I went to the mall, which happens to have a really nice sushi bar in the food court.  I picked up a rainbow roll at the market that was enough for two meals.  It was even a brown rice roll.  The taste wasn't quite as good as when you watch it made, but it filled a need.

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