Monday, September 9, 2019

Dried-Tomato and Brie Frittata

I was joking at work that if I didn't go grocery shopping on the way home, I'd end up having a tomato and cheese omelet for dinner.  By the time I actually got to the store, it didn't sound like a bad idea.  I was going to have some kind of cold or tapas dinner anyway.

I love having breakfast for dinner.  Frittatas are an easy way to do that without telling anyone that's what you're doing.  They look fancier than a baked omelet, which is all they are.  Of course, if you want to outright serve breakfast for dinner, go ahead.  Who's going to stop you?
This year's tomato crop has been excellent.  I had to finish off the last of a batch of oven-dried tomatoes because I had another bag of Romas ready for their turn under the convection fan.  A little onion and brie from the fridge, and I had a main dish in the works.

This is a half-sized version compared to what I usually make.  Just for two, in the 8" skillet.  This isn't something you can cook ahead for the whole week.  I only wanted one day of leftovers.

3 eggs
3 Tb milk
*1/4 tsp dried basil flakes
salt and pepper
*2 Tb diced onion
2 Tb olive oil, divided
*1/4 C oven-dried tomatoes, chopped
*2 oz brie cheese, thinly sliced

1.  In an 8" oven-safe skillet, heat 1 Tb oil over medium.  Add diced onion and cook until soft, 5-8 minutes.  Start preheating the oven to 350º.
2.  In a small bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, basil, salt, pepper, and tomato pieces.  Beat until just mixed and not frothy.
3.  Add remaining oil to the pan and swirl to coat the base and about halfway up the edges.  Add egg mixture and cook until it starts to set, about 3 minutes.  Dot top with cheese slices and put the pan in the oven until fully cooked, about 12-15 minutes.
4.  Allow to cool slightly, then coax out of the skillet with a wooden spoon.  Cut into wedges and serve at any temperature.

Serves 2

Difficulty rating  π

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