Sunday, March 10, 2019


It has been cold and rainy in L.A. the past two months, but my area has not had any freezes.  That means all my "cold season" veggies have done very well.  It's actually the climate they were bred for.

Very happily, the fennel I planted in December has gone gangbusters.  It's only four bulbs, but they are loving the weather.  No one is bolting from too many warm days in a row, since it has not been over 70º in over a month.  Pretty soon, I'll come up with a use for at least one of them.
The romaine lettuce is also doing great, even though one is bolting, and I have one arugula that is still useable.  The three remaining artichoke plants are soaking up all the rain and getting ready to flower in the next month or so, whenever it's warm enough.
I keep forgetting I have cilantro.  I'm so used to my efforts with it failing that it's a shock to be able to have some whenever I want.

Basically, expect more vegetable dishes in the near future.  Spring is here!

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