Sunday, October 13, 2024

Roast Beef Quesadillas

Before attempting to can beef, I decided to buy a can to find out if it's something I even want.  Finding a recipe for it turned out to be the hard part.  I could have done a French dip sandwich, but most of the other recipes I found were either stews or Mexican.  Canned chicken, I can come up with plenty of ideas.  Most of my pork butt recipes are crockpot, so they would also work with canned.  Beef seems to be much harder to use, mainly because there are no cold recipes for it.  I'm glad I did this before canning a roast.  I'm going to have to think that one over.

I didn't realize Taco Bell discontinued the MexiMelt until I wanted one.  Ok, fine, I'll make it myself.  This came out slightly better than their ground beef version.  I always thought there was too much spice and not enough substance in the MexiMelt, but they were cheap and filling.

I don't buy Taco Seasoning because I don't make Mexican very often.  Maybe once a month.  There are just so many cuisines to try, and with four servings of a recipe, I'm only cooking about eight times a month.  I've considered smaller recipes and cooking more often, but ingredients tend to be sold in packages between 3 and 5 servings.  That's the whole reason I started cooking this way in the first place.  It's much easier than ending up with a ton of half-filled bottles and jars in the fridge.  So, I'm just going to call this "taco seasoning" in the recipe and you should know that I used paprika, garlic powder, and all those kinds of spices that go into the commercial blend.

I debated a long time about what cheese to use.  Jarred nacho dip, Velveeta, and Campbell's cheese soup are the most logical options.  American cheese slices are close behind.  I never buy any of those, and simply couldn't justify picking up an ingredient I don't use and would need to find recipes for until it was gone.  I ended up using the shredded cheddar/jack I keep for omelets.

8 fajita-size tortillas
1 *12 oz can roast beef, drained (or leftover roast beef or 80/20 ground beef, cooked)
1 Tb taco seasoning
*1 Roma tomato, diced
*2 Tb diced red or green onion
1 C processed cheese, melted, or shredded "Mexican" cheese

1.  In a skillet, heat meat with taco seasoning and break apart into small pieces.  I have to say, I was severely disappointed that so little meat was left once I drained away the broth.  That's supposed to be at least three servings?  I'm pretty sure there would be a lot more in a pint jar if I did can my own, so if I ever decide to continue using canned beef, I'm doing it myself.

2.  Combine diced onion and tomato into a quickie pico.  You can also add cilantro to it if desired, but I skipped that part.

3.  Lay out the tortillas on a work surface.  Sprinkle each with 2 Tb cheese, whether shreds or spooning on melted.  Distribute the meat among the tortillas.  It doesn't look like a lot, but you do taste it.  Divide the salsa on all 8.

4.  Preheat a griddle over medium.  Fold the tortillas in half and heat until the tortilla is lightly browned and crispy and the cheese and meat have melted together, about 5 minutes per side.  Serve hot.

Difficulty rating  π

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Kale and Tomato Quiche

No, seriously, this kale is never going to die.  I thought a week of 90º was going to take care of it.  I have four gallon bags of it in the freezer.  I did find a recipe for canning greens, but the point of freezing is that it takes the place of kneading the tough kale to break down the fibers for raw eating.  There is one salad recipe I want to try which will use at least half a bag.

If kale isn't your thing, this works with fresh spinach or other greens.  It will taste different, but the general idea and quantities are the same.  You could also defrost leaf spinach if you squeeze it dry.

I had really hoped I would be using my own tomatoes for this.  How did 90º not ripen them faster?  Well, I have more recipes coming up that incorporate them.  I did get some gorgeous Campari salad tomatoes that I hated cooking down for this, but they were yummy.

1 Tb olive oil
*3 C chopped kale
1/2 lb tomatoes, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 tsp celery salt
*1 tsp dried herbs of choice (I used thyme and savory, but I get that it's hard to find savory)
1/4 tsp white pepper
*1 unbaked 9" pie crust
3 eggs
*1 C milk
*3/4 C shredded Swiss or havarti cheese

1.  If you bought a frozen pie crust, start defrosting it in the fridge.  If you made your own or use refrigerated, put it back in the fridge to keep firm.

2.  Heat oil in a medium skillet.  Add kale and cook over medium heat until it starts to wilt.  Add diced tomatoes, garlic, celery salt, white pepper, and herbs and cook until all the veggies have given up their water, stirring occasionally to prevent scorching.  Set aside to cool.

3.  Preheat oven to 375º.  In a bowl, whisk together eggs and milk.  Place pie pan on a lined baking sheet in case of overflow.

4.  To assemble the quiche, spread cooled vegetable mixture on bottom of pie pan.  Top with cheese (yes, I used sliced instead of shredded, because that's what I had).  Pour egg custard into pie shell and allow it to settle a moment.

5.  Bake 40-45 minutes, until custard is set and crust is a medium brown.  Set on a rack to cool at least 15 minutes to serve warm, or an hour to serve at room temperature.  Quiches can also be served cold.

Serves 6-8, depending on sides and whether this is for a smaller meal like brunch or tea

Difficulty rating  :)

Monday, October 7, 2024

Pesto Chicken and Roast Vegetables


I was trying so hard not to turn on the oven on the hottest day of the year, but this was the only thing I could think of that fit "pesto chicken" that wasn't a pasta salad.  And a pasta salad still would have involved roasting the vegetables.  It's a good thing my oven is well insulated.  Apparently, it was just as hot that week back in 2020, but I think I blocked that out along with the rest of that year.

I promise this won't turn into a pesto website.  I'm trying to use some every month, which will still last a full year.  I'm only going to post if it's a new idea, which this happened to be.  Guess I haven't done a non-pasta, sheet pan, pesto dinner.  And this was pretty good, despite using the oven.

1 lb red potatoes or 1 head cauliflower (for keto)
1/2 lb carrots
1 red onion
1/2 lb green beans
1-2 Tb olive oil
12-16 oz leftover shredded chicken or one can, drained
1/2 C pesto

1.  Preheat oven to 375º.  Line a baking sheet with parchment to make it easier to get the onions off.  If you're skipping them, non-stick will do.

2.  Scrub potatoes and cut into bite-sized pieces.  Drop the chunks into a bowl of water to wash off some of the excess starch, then drain.

3.  Peel carrots.  Cut into desired bite-sized shapes and drop into the bowl.  Trim ends off green beans, but leave long and add to bowl.  French cut onion (stem to root end), separate rings, and toss in.

4.  Toss vegetables with just enough oil to coat lightly.  Arrange in a single layer on baking sheet.  Roast 15 minutes, move them around a bit, and roast another 15-20, or until the potatoes are done.  They're the only vegetable that must be cooked.  If you're using cauliflower instead, you may only need the initial 15 minutes.

5.  Toss together hot vegetables, chicken, and pesto until evenly mixed and chicken is warmed.  Serve hot, with garnishes of basil and parmesan, if desired.

Difficulty rating  π

Friday, October 4, 2024

Vegetable Strudel

I really thought I had a post of this, and have been trying to avoid making it for a couple of months.  Can't find one, so here we go.

I had half a package of puff pastry taking up freezer space and a can of mushroom gravy that was a good idea when I bought it.  Somehow, this inspired a very good meal.  While I had it for dinner, it's also excellent for lunch, brunch, tea, an appetizer, or as a side.

This does generate a wee bit of dishes, since you have to cook the vegetables first.  On the other hand, you could cook them earlier in the day or the day before and split up the work.  The vegetables need to cool a bit before going on the pastry, so it's the same amount of time.

This was another fly by the seat of my pants recipe, even though I did research.  Pepperidge Farm's recipe (that I now can't find) was kind of close to what I did.  A lot of the recipes have you mix an egg into the veggies, to form kind of a casserole.  Others use shredded cheese as the binder.  My vote is for the cheese approach.  I used slices, and it was hard to roll the filling into the pastry.  Once I broke up the cheese, everything fit, so that's what I'm posting.

Sorry, I didn't realize how many ingredients this was.  I was mostly clearing out the crisper and last year's frozen broccoli.  The result is very nice, so it's absolutely worth it.

1 Tb olive oil
1 Tb butter
1/2 tsp salt
*1 yellow or sweet onion
*1 C chopped broccoli
*1 C chopped spinach or other greens
*1 carrot, peeled and chopped
*2 Tb chopped sun dried tomato, either from oil or soaked if dry
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp basil
*1 sheet puff pastry
flour for rolling the pastry
4 oz shredded cheese of choice (about 1 C)
egg wash

1.  Heat the oil and butter over medium low in a wide skillet.  Peel the onion and French it, which is slicing stem to root ends instead of in rounds.  Separate the layers, sprinkle with salt, and slow cook for 15 minutes.  Stir, come back 15 minutes later again, and come back every five minutes after that until the onions are as caramelized as you like.

2.  Add the broccoli, greens, carrot, and tomato pieces.  Stir in oreganto and basil.  Cover and cook on low until the greens are wilted and the carrot starts to soften.  Turn off the heat and allow to cool.  This part can all be done ahead and refrigerated.

3.  Defrost puff pastry according to package directions, usually on the counter for 45 minutes.  Preheat oven to 400º.  Line a baking sheet with parchment.

4.  Roll the pastry out to about 14" x 10", dusting with flour as necessary.  Stir cheese into the now-cooled vegetable filling.  Place filling in a log on the long side of the pastry, slightly off-center.  Roll the filling so you have a clean side for sealing.

5.  Transfer the log to the baking sheet seam-side down and seal the ends of the log.  Cut vents in the top, then brush with an egg wash if you would like a shiny crust.  Bake 25 minutes, or until well browned and the pastry is cooked.  Allow to sit 10 minutes before slicing.  Serve hot or room temperature, with gravy on the side if desired.

Serves 4 as a main, 6-8 as a side

Difficulty rating :-0

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Canning Chicken Broth

I'm trying to clear scraps of stuff out of the freezer.  It started with having leftovers for lunch.  I'm going to make a quiche with the last pie crust.  I think I've cooked up all the half-bags of frozen veggies.  Next up was the overly filled broth bag and accumulated chicken bones.

The Ball book gives quantities for broth bones versus water, which is missing in the NCHFP website.  They suggest boiling up a whole chicken to get a gallon of broth (one pound per quart), but I already have shredded chicken in the freezer and didn't want to compound the problem by shredding up another one.  To make up the weight, I bought chicken backs at Whole Foods.  I only go there when I need something I absolutely can't get anywhere else.  I didn't even have to ask the butcher; they were sitting in the poultry case next to hearts, livers, and feet.  Yes, it was $2.99 a pound for something that normally gets thrown away, but I did not want any extra meat.  So, instead of this project being completely free, it was about $5.  Still not bad, when a quart of the cheapest broth is $2 and I was making four of those.

Ok, $5 plus a case of jars.  I'm starting to understand how pressure-canner people end up with so many jars.  It isn't that they're making too much product, but that every jar you use is a jar or metal can you're not buying at the market.  And as long as you have to process at least four jars at a time, you might as well do as many as you can reasonably use in a year.  It takes the same 2-3 hours to do four jars as eighteen.  Plus, they're reusable, as opposed to a metal one that's going straight into the recycling bin.  When I was doing small batches of jams and sauces in the water bath, I did not appreciate this logic.  I was also using smaller jars, so I have plenty of those for water bath recipes and not many pints and quarts.  I give it about a year until I have the right amount of each size.

The broth-making process itself is the same as if you're making it for not-canning.  Simmer the bones for a couple of hours, add the aromatics, and simmer another hour or two.  I did try the trick of adding an ounce of apple cider vinegar to dissolve the marrow and cartilage that make "bone broth".  Strain out the solids, chill so any impurities sink and the fat hardens, strain again back into the pot, and reheat for use.  The difference is that once I got it back to a boil, I put it in jars and pressured canned them.

You're probably thinking the same thing I was when I finally got the broth strained into three containers for the fridge: why on earth do I need a gallon of chicken broth?  For one thing, it's good for a year.  Also, look at the calendar.  It's that time of year for soups, casseroles, and all sorts of good things that require chicken broth.  Instead of buying two at a time over the course of a few months, I'm making eight.  Same amount, just all at once.  If there's any left in the spring, I'll make a big pot of soup for Seder.

Once I have a couple more pounds of beef bones, I plan to do a smaller batch of beef broth and make up the rest of the canner load with veggie broth to finish off that part of the freezer.  That will save me time in the long run, even though veggie broth makes the house smell fantastic.  I can just pop one open and go.

Saturday, September 28, 2024


Another Mediterranean rabbit-hole recipe.  I believe this one is Greek.  The regular closer at work is back from vacation, so I have time to make elaborate dinner recipes again.  I'm very aware the past few weeks have been phoning it in.

Briam is a basic vegetable casserole.  You can make it fancy by arranging the vegetables neatly, like I did, or just pile them in the casserole if you're not feeling it.

I grew an eggplant!  It has been a few years.  The rest of the fruit on the plant isn't doing quite as well, but I got one good one.  I was going to buy the zucchini the recipe actually calls for, or at least a yellow squash.  I stood there, looking at the shelf, and just couldn't do it.  I was not about to go to this much effort to make something with an ingredient I don't like.  Home-grown eggplant it is.

I tossed chickpeas and parmesan on top for protein, to make this a main dish, and had pesto on wheat toast for the starch.  It's common to have it with feta.  If you are not doing this as a vegetarian main, having it as a side with fish or chicken is a good option.  It's going to smell like a lasagna coming out of the oven, so keep that in mind when thinking of sides.

1 lb Yukon or gold potatoes
1 lb zucchini, yellow squash, or *eggplant
salt and pepper to taste
*2 tsp dried oregano
*1 tsp dried rosemary
*1/2 C chopped fresh parsley
*3 cloves garlic, minced
Olive oil as needed, about 1/4 C
1 medium red onion
*1 8oz can tomato sauce
*1 15oz can diced tomatoes, no salt if possible

1.  Scrub potatoes well.  Peel, if desired.  Slice thinly, no more than 1/4" thick.  I used the mandoline.  Slice the zucchini or eggplant the same thickness.

2.  In a bowl, toss together sliced vegetables with salt, pepper, oregano, rosemary, parsley, and garlic.  Add enough oil to coat the pieces lightly.  It's going to take more if you use eggplant, because they're little sponges.

3.  Preheat oven to 400º while you build the casserole.  Peel the onion and slice into 1/4" thick slices.  If it's a large onion, you may have to cut the slices in halves or quarters to get them the same diameter as the vegetables.  Pour the tomato sauce into the bottom of an 11" round casserole, or something with a similar surface area.

4.  Start arranging the veggies on top of the sauce.  I shingled them as eggplant-potato-onion all around the rim.  As I did the ring in the center, I knew I had more slices of potato than anything else and added an extra slice to the pattern.  If you don't want to get all fussy about it, go ahead and just throw it all in a 9x13 and just make sure the variety is represented in each spoonful.  Once all the vegetables are arranged, pour any remaining herbs and oil on top.

5.  Pour the can of diced tomatoes evenly on top of the casserole.  Cover lightly with foil and bake 45 minutes.  Remove foil and bake until the juices have reduced and all of the vegetables are cooked, another 30-40 minutes.  Yes, this is really going to bake close to an hour and a half.  That's why it had to wait until I had two hours to make dinner.  Allow to rest until no longer bubbling, then serve.

Difficulty rating  :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Red Lentil Crackers

I love the red lentil crepes, but they're kind of time consuming.  We Cook Vegan tends to do a lot of bean-based balls and patties, so I thought I'd try to invent some of my own.

Well, not every recipe works as well in real life as it does in my head.  I don't generally do recipe testing of my new ideas.  I kind of go for it and make the fixes on the back end.

This recipe tasted great, but was an epic fail in structure.  I had to change the approach a couple of times as I went along, when what I was trying didn't work.  Patties turned into a tart shell.  Then, when I got it out of the oven, it largely stuck to the pan despite quite a bit of olive oil.  However, the chips I scraped off onto the plate tasted really good.

So, I reworked the patties into crisps.  Basically, I had been trying to get out of using the food processor the first time.  Fine, I got it dirty and got the product I wanted, sort of.

*1/2 C red lentils
1/4 C cilantro
1/4 C Italian parsley
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp celery salt

1.  Rinse the lentils until the water runs clear.  Refill saucepan and simmer lentils until tender and split, about 10 minutes.  Drain very well.

2.  Place all ingredients in the food processor, removing the toughest stems from the cilantro and parsley.  Pulse into a thick paste.

3.  Preheat oven to 375º and line a baking sheet with parchment.  Spread a tablespoon of paste into a round cracker shape about 2" across and very thin.  Continue until all the paste is used, about a dozen.

4.  Bake until the tops of the crackers look dry, about 15 minutes.  Carefully flip with a spatula, as they will still be soft.  Bake another 10-15 minutes, until crisp.  I may have let mine go a little long.  Some of the edges were kind of burnt.

5.  Allow to cool, then carefully transfer to a serving platter.  Remember, gluten-free.  They break easily.  Eat alone, or with a dip spooned on top.  I wouldn't try to pick up anything heavier than salsa on them.

Makes about one dozen

Difficulty rating  :)

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Creamy Coconut Tilapia

I found another can of coconut milk nearing its expiration date.  The lite doesn't have as long a shelf life, apparently.  Note to self.

I wasn't in the mood for an Indian or south Asian curry.  Instead, I decided to poach some tilapia in an herb-infused creamy base.

I was looking for more of a French flavor in the cream sauce.  I wanted something similar to cream herring, but not as acidic.  I think I sort of got that, but you could still taste the coconut.  I will definitely keep this in mind for Passover, as a dairy-free item to have with a meat meal.

*4 tilapia filets
*2 green onions
1/2 C Italian parsley
*1 tsp dried tarragon
*1/2 tsp dill weed
*1 can lite coconut milk
salt and white pepper to taste

1.  Finely chop the parsley and green onions.  Add to a large skillet with the tarragon, dill, and some salt and pepper.  Shake the can of coconut milk and add to the skillet.

2.  Heat over medium to a simmer.  The fat solids will melt and you can stir everything into a creamy sauce.  Allow to simmer 10 minutes, for the herbs to infuse the milk.

3.  Add the tilapia to the cream in a single layer.  The sauce may or may not cover the pieces, depending on the size of the pan.  Keep at a poaching level, not boiling, for 10 minutes.  This will cook the bottom of the filets.

4.  Gently turn the fish and continue to simmer on the other side until opaque and flaky.  The time will depend on the thickness of the fish, but should be around 5-8 minutes.  Once fish is fully cooked, taste the sauce and adjust seasonings as necessary.

5.  Serve either hot or chilled, with a generous spoon of sauce on top.

Difficulty rating  π

Thursday, September 19, 2024

So Much Green

I don't remember the Pond ever being so full.  There's one spot I was keeping bare in case I needed room for a seedling, but everything else is covered in plants.

It also ended up very green.  Celery, kale, green beans, tomatoes (that haven't ripened yet), pumpkin, and watermelon.  The last two are only putting out male flowers, which is frustrating.  Some of the green beans are yellowing, which I think is a nitrogen issue.  Beans are heavy nitrogen feeders.  I added pellet fertilizer, but I don't want to overdo it since there are other things in there that may not appreciate it as much.

I finally got a decent eggplant!  It has been a few years.  The rest on the plant haven't fared as well, but at least something finally happened.

The pole beans are a new experience.  The tomato cages they're tied to are only about three feet tall.  I didn't realize they were going to grow pretty much as high as they have a support.  I stuck a piece of longer baseboard in the middle, but they're mostly wrapping around each other.  We'll see what happens.

I harvested my first green beans since elementary school!  Not quite as many as I had in mind, but more are growing.  I'll probably be inundated when the pole beans start making them.

So, while I still don't have enough tomatoes for anything worthwhile, or a guarantee of watermelon or pumpkin, at least the garden looks pretty and productive.  Close enough.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Stevia-Sweetened Lemonade

Steve the stevia plant is doing very well.  No idea why, since all of my gardening adventures involve planting something and hoping it ends well.  I tried making an herbal brew of basil, mint, stevia, and black tea.  It was delicious, but ended up far too sweet.  Then I thought that "too sweet" is never a problem for lemonade and gave this a try.

Given that the average person does not have an overgrown stevia plant in the front yard, I'm going to try to adjust this for granulated, store-bought stevia, based on my own experience making lemonade with erythritol.  Which now has been found to be not good for you.  Come on, science, I need a way to cut back on sugar naturally.  Cane sugar, in moderation, is turning out to be the least damaging sweetener there is.

*3-4 lemons
1 Tb stevia granules or *2 generous sprigs fresh

1.  To make the sweet base, combine 1 C water, stevia, and the peel of half of the lemons in a small saucepan.  Bring to a light boil, then lower to a simmer for 5 minutes.  Allow to cool to room temperature naturally.

2.  Juice the lemons, which should get you about 3/4 to 1 cup of juice.

3.  Strain solids out of the now-yellow water and combine with the juice.  Add enough cold water to make 4 cups, stir, and taste.  Add more stevia to taste and chill until ready to serve.

Makes one quart

Difficulty rating  π