Thursday, March 6, 2025

Pintos with Salsa

I was not expecting to get three posts out of a pantry meal, but here goes the rest of that little Mexican throw-together dinner.

I did can some more tomatillo salsa.  I was disappointed that I only got four half-pints out of all that work, but was fine with one not sealing because I was going to use it for this.  I probably only need three for the next six or eight months, and then I'll make another batch at the end of the summer.

I have been working on more ways to use the beans I canned last year.  I got so used to soaking and cooking them, I have to make an effort to grab a jar instead.  Looking for a super-fast way to make this helped.

You can use any salsa you like for this.  It's the seasonings and tang that are the goal.  Like having tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich, the flavor profile goes with a quesadilla.

*1 15 oz can pinto beans
*1 C salsa
Sour cream, jalapeños, cilantro, or any other garnish, optional

1.  Drain and rinse beans.  Add to a small saucepan with salsa.  If dry, add a few tablespoons water.

2.  Bring to a low boil over medium heat.  Simmer for 5 minutes to heat through.

3.  Serve hot with garnishes as desired.

Difficulty rating  π

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