Monday, October 7, 2024

Pesto Chicken and Roast Vegetables


I was trying so hard not to turn on the oven on the hottest day of the year, but this was the only thing I could think of that fit "pesto chicken" that wasn't a pasta salad.  And a pasta salad still would have involved roasting the vegetables.  It's a good thing my oven is well insulated.  Apparently, it was just as hot that week back in 2020, but I think I blocked that out along with the rest of that year.

I promise this won't turn into a pesto website.  I'm trying to use some every month, which will still last a full year.  I'm only going to post if it's a new idea, which this happened to be.  Guess I haven't done a non-pasta, sheet pan, pesto dinner.  And this was pretty good, despite using the oven.

1 lb red potatoes or 1 head cauliflower (for keto)
1/2 lb carrots
1 red onion
1/2 lb green beans
1-2 Tb olive oil
12-16 oz leftover shredded chicken or one can, drained
1/2 C pesto

1.  Preheat oven to 375º.  Line a baking sheet with parchment to make it easier to get the onions off.  If you're skipping them, non-stick will do.

2.  Scrub potatoes and cut into bite-sized pieces.  Drop the chunks into a bowl of water to wash off some of the excess starch, then drain.

3.  Peel carrots.  Cut into desired bite-sized shapes and drop into the bowl.  Trim ends off green beans, but leave long and add to bowl.  French cut onion (stem to root end), separate rings, and toss in.

4.  Toss vegetables with just enough oil to coat lightly.  Arrange in a single layer on baking sheet.  Roast 15 minutes, move them around a bit, and roast another 15-20, or until the potatoes are done.  They're the only vegetable that must be cooked.  If you're using cauliflower instead, you may only need the initial 15 minutes.

5.  Toss together hot vegetables, chicken, and pesto until evenly mixed and chicken is warmed.  Serve hot, with garnishes of basil and parmesan, if desired.

Difficulty rating  π

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