Monday, December 6, 2021


When we were on vacation in Mexico a few years ago, we had lunch at an excellent little restaurant that served sopes as an appetizer with any main dish.  Honestly, I would have found these mini-pizzas a hearty meal.

I was trying to think of something to have with a jar of tomatillo salsa, and these came to mind.  I'm really trying to use everything I canned this year.  There's no point in putting in all that work and grocery money  for the jars to sit on the shelf.

The fillings can be adjusted for personal taste and time of day.  A breakfast sope might have fried potatoes and chorizo.  I went more of the burrito-filling route.  Skipped the sour cream, but crema is more traditional anyway.

The recipe is the same as a corn tortilla.  It's the preparation that differs.  These are thicker, so they come out with a smaller diameter and stay softer once cooked.  They're quick to make, freeze well, and can be popped in the toaster from frozen to be topped as an impromptu snack.

*2 C masa harina
1-1/2 C water, plus more as needed
1/4 tsp salt, optional

1.  In a bowl, stir together masa flour and salt, if using.  Stir in water to form a dry dough that barely holds together.  If you can't make a golf ball-sized amount stick together, add water one tablespoon at a time until it does.  Let sit 10 minutes to let it finish hydrating evenly.

2.  Divide dough into 8 pieces.  I got nerdy and put the dough on a scale, then weighed out 1-1/4 oz portions from the 10 oz ball.

3.  Start heating a griddle or large skillet over medium-high heat.  Place a ball between two pieces of wax paper or parchment.  If you have a tortilla press, you can use that and just not press down all the way.  Roll the dough into a 4" round about 1/4" thick.

4.  Place sopes on hot, dry griddle.  Cook until set and lightly browned, about 5 minutes.  Flip and cook another 3 to 4 minutes.

5.  Remove discs to a plate.  While still hot, carefully pinch up edges into a rim.  This is when it comes in handy to be a baker and have no heat nerve endings on your fingertips.  Once cooled, the rims will stay folded up.  Top with fillings of choice and serve warm.

Makes 8 as an appetizer, 4 as a main dish

Difficulty rating  π

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