Saturday, January 3, 2015

Leftovers and Reruns

So, now that I finally have time to cook, I'm not making anything interesting.  Or, I made too much of it during the holidays and froze the leftovers, which will last me until spring.  I also lined up my jars in the pantry and realized that, between preserves and dried grains, I have a lot of food on hand.  I should do something with it.  That's why this post is just links to stuff I've made before.  After four years, I want to eat some of these things again.  It isn't fair that I can't have something I like just because I haven't posted in a while and need to come up with something new.

  • Pasta with Peanut Sauce (above)  This one was spaghetti, simmered chicken tenders, and carrots.  Side salad not pictured, but it included oven-dried tomatoes.
  • While we're talking tomatoes, it's been so cold that I don't think the rest of the cherry tomatoes are going to ripen.  I'll probably have to pickle them.
  • And back to peanut butter, I made a peanut butter pie for dessert at Chanukah.  Dinner was leg of lamb, latkes, and asparagus.
  • Breakfast lately, when I'm not at work, is toasted slices of stollen and a piece of fruit.  I made a dozen two-serving sized loaves, then only gave out about four.
  • Lunch has been crackers with baba gannouj and cheese.  There's also a jar of trail mix that I have been very good about not eating all at one sitting.
  • Next up, I think I want to make a falafel pie.  The jar of garbanzo beans is staring at me every time I open the pantry.  I do have a potential soup in mind that would use some, but there's enough in the jar for both recipes.  I also have two ripe tomatoes (one Bradley and one Beefsteak) that I can dice up for the topping.
  • There's still candied fruit that I didn't use for the stollen.  Once it's gone, I'm going to make some fruitcake for myself.  Slightly out of season, but still a sweet treat for breakfast or tea.
I'll post again when there's something of interest.  That may be a gardening post.  I'm seriously considering replacing a dead bush with blueberries or a similar perennial, fruity bush.  Just not raspberries.  I don't like those.  I'm not making any decisions until it gets a little warmer.

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