Thursday, September 19, 2024

So Much Green

I don't remember the Pond ever being so full.  There's one spot I was keeping bare in case I needed room for a seedling, but everything else is covered in plants.

It also ended up very green.  Celery, kale, green beans, tomatoes (that haven't ripened yet), pumpkin, and watermelon.  The last two are only putting out male flowers, which is frustrating.  Some of the green beans are yellowing, which I think is a nitrogen issue.  Beans are heavy nitrogen feeders.  I added pellet fertilizer, but I don't want to overdo it since there are other things in there that may not appreciate it as much.

I finally got a decent eggplant!  It has been a few years.  The rest on the plant haven't fared as well, but at least something finally happened.

The pole beans are a new experience.  The tomato cages they're tied to are only about three feet tall.  I didn't realize they were going to grow pretty much as high as they have a support.  I stuck a piece of longer baseboard in the middle, but they're mostly wrapping around each other.  We'll see what happens.

I harvested my first green beans since elementary school!  Not quite as many as I had in mind, but more are growing.  I'll probably be inundated when the pole beans start making them.

So, while I still don't have enough tomatoes for anything worthwhile, or a guarantee of watermelon or pumpkin, at least the garden looks pretty and productive.  Close enough.

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