Monday, June 3, 2024

Summer Garden 2024

Now that the Pond is sorted out and my winter garden is dying, it's time to figure out what I want to grow this summer.

As much as I love my in-ground gardening options, I've been having far better luck with items I grow in pots, so that happened first.

I bought the Dollar Tree stackable planters that everyone raves over.  Just two, so $2.50 plus tax.  They are so tiny, just about 3" across.  But considering I will never fill a Greenstalk, this was a decent option.

Then came the decision about what to plant.  I haven't grown green beans since the 5th grade, and I eat a lot of them.  I decided to try a bush variety in the Dollar Tree planters, which I have heard is possible.  So most of those got a bean in them, and the backside, where less sun will fall, became an assortment of herbs.  I'm pushing it on herb season, but thought I'd give it one last try.

Reading the packet of pickling cucumber seeds, I realized they're actually cool weather crops.  That's the mistake I've been making.  Oh well, I planted them anyway.  If they succeed, they'll be ready for the chicken-wire trellis about the time the peas die.  If not, I'll find something else to put in there, maybe pole beans.

I planted watermelon in a bowl pot.  Squashes and gourds have remarkably shallow roots for plants that huge.  I'm going to do a pumpkin in a bowl as well once it warms a bit more.

For the in-ground, I did something I have never done before.  I bought a compost/manure mixture to give extra nutrients to the soil.  You're kind of supposed to amend the soil every year or so, but I've only been doing it with Miracle-Gro.  Then I planted three types of tomato in the lettuce patch.  Something that is not a tomato is coming up, and I really hope it isn't another sunflower.  I'm going to work the manure into the Pond before sowing anything in it, which should be fairly soon.  I'm also going to build up the soil level with at least two bags.  Not entirely sure what I'm going to put in there.  Some tomatoes for sure, maybe cauliflower, and carrots in between.  Then another watermelon and pumpkin at the edges, so they can vine on their merry way.

I'm really hoping the new soil and compost will nourish this planting.  It would be nice to have some home-grown fruits and veggies this summer, after not growing much last year.

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