Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Green Monster Chewies

Somehow I've managed to hide it this far, mostly by scheduling two weeks of posts prior to November 1st, that I'm doing National Novel Writing Month.  That's when crazy people pledge to write a 50,000 word novel in a short month with a major holiday in it.  It comes out to 1,667 words a day, and really doesn't leave any room for hobbies, personal care, or a life if you have a full time job.

I did take a little time out to come up with this cookie because it exists in the book.  I was curious to find out if it tasted decent.  Turns out, while not the best cookie ever, they're addictive.  They taste a bit like salted peanut butter cookies, with a seaweed aftertaste.

Yep, seaweed.  For the book, I had to figure out how to put some kind of kelp product in a cookie.  It was also supposed to be healthy and acceptable as breakfast.  I found this recipe on The Pancake Princess for chickpea gingersnaps.  It only took a few flavor tweaks to turn them into the cookie from the book.

Warning, these may be high in iron and other good stuff, but they're also high in fiber.  Pay attention to how many you eat in one sitting.

2 C garbanzo bean flour
1 tsp ground ginger
*2 tsp wasabi powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
6 Tb unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 C brown sugar
1 egg
1/4 C honey
1/4 C crushed seaweed (nori)
3 Tb granulated sugar, for rolling

1.  Sift together garbanzo bean flour, ginger, wasabi powder, salt, baking soda, and baking powder.

2.  Cream together butter and brown sugar.  Beat in egg and honey.  Stir dry ingredients into the wet mix.  Stir in seaweed, reserving 1 Tb for garnish.

3.  Wrap dough in plastic wrap and chill for at least an hour.  I would recommend overnight.  Think of it as soaking dry beans.
4.  When ready to bake, stir together sugar and remaining seaweed flakes.  Preheat oven to 350ยบ.  Portion out 1 Tb amounts of dough and roll into balls.  Roll balls in the sugar and place on baking sheets 2" apart.  If the seaweed isn't sticking, press some into the top.
5.  Bake for 10 minutes, until bottoms are just starting to brown.  Allow to cool on the baking sheet another 10 minutes before removing to a cooling rack.  These are gluten-free, so they'll fall apart if you move them too soon.

Makes about 2 dozen

Difficulty rating :)

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