Friday, March 23, 2018

Garden Tostada

Ok, this isn't a real tostada because I didn't use tortillas, but it felt like more than simply a salad because of the potatoes.

I'm not a huge potato fan.  I'm actually kind of resentful of how many you end up eating during Passover, even though I did a potato bar for Seder last year.  This is different because I did oven-roasted wedges with a generous dousing of seasoned salt.  I think I'm really just not a fan of boiled potatoes.

This started as a way to use the last of the pinto beans in the pantry, and also some of the arugula in the garden.  I'm probably going to pull the plants after Seder.  Just get me through the salad.  I'm also going to sacrifice an entire head of romaine, but I planted a few of them too close together, so it really needs to go anyway.  Basically, I made three salads like the one in the picture and it didn't make a dent in the lettuce patch.

*1 can pinto beans or 2/3 C dry, soaked, and boiled for 2 hours
1 lb russet potatoes
olive oil
*1 tsp seasoning salt or taco seasoning
*4 C salad greens
2 Roma tomatoes, diced
*1/2 C diced onion
*1/4 C cilantro leaves
2 avocados
sour cream for garnish
shredded cheddar for garnish

1.  Cook and cool pintos or drain, rinse, and chill the ones from a can.

2.  Preheat oven to 375ยบ.  Cut potatoes into bite-sized wedges.  Toss in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil until coated and spread out on a baking sheet.  Sprinkle generously with seasoned salt (I used Lawry's).  Roast until golden and easily pierced by a fork, about 40 minutes.  Set aside while you assemble the salad.  It's really neat if they're warm in an otherwise cold dish.

3.  Plate a cup of greens on each plate.  If you want some kind of dressing, add the juice of a lime to the greens before you start the toppings.  Sprinkle with cilantro.  Start layering with the potato chunks, so they don't weigh down everything else.  Add on tomato, onion, and pintos.  Slice avocados and arrange half of one on each salad.  Top with sour cream and cheddar.  Serve while the potatoes are still warm.

Difficulty rating  :)

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