Thursday, January 25, 2018

White Chocolate Wasabi Cookies

I've been getting snacky lately.  Not keeping snacks in the house helps a lot, but there are several drive-thrus on the way home.  I knew that a batch of regular chocolate chip cookies would barely make it until they cooled, so I decided to make something that was still tasty, but would leave my willpower intact.  Not a huge fan of white chocolate.  It's not chocolate!

I went looking for a recipe online, since white chocolate and wasabi is actually a thing, and all I found was a frozen cookie dough you can buy to bake these at home.  Not helpful.  I've never made the Bible's chocolate chip cookie recipe because I just use Tollhouse, but it looked perfectly adaptable.  Sub in wasabi powder, white chocolate chips, and chopped macadamias for the vanilla, chocolate chips, and chopped walnuts.  This recipe has the same amount of sugar as Nestlé's, but instead of equal parts light brown and granulated, it skews on the brown side.  That changes the moisture content, which is fine because it's a tiny bit heavier on the flour.  Basically, they don't spread out as much as Tollhouse, but have a similar texture.

1-1/4 C flour
1/2 C packed light brown sugar
1/2 C butter, softened
1/4 C granulated sugar
1 egg
*1 Tablespoon wasabi powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
*1 C white chocolate chips
1/2 C chopped macadamia nuts

1.  Cream together butter and both sugars until light.  Beat in egg until smooth.

2.  Sift together flour, wasabi powder, baking soda, and salt.  Add mixture to creamed ingredients and beat until smooth.  Stir in chips and nuts.
3.  Preheat oven to 375º.  Grease or line two baking sheets.  Drop cookie dough in tablespoons two inches apart on sheets.  Bake 10-12 minutes, until lightly browned.  Allow to cool on sheets for a few minutes before transferring to a rack.  Once cooled, cookies may be kept in a sealed box at room temperature for several days or in the freezer for a month.

Makes about 2 dozen

Difficulty rating  π

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