Thursday, August 4, 2011

Part V: Gone Crackers

Papa Smurf didn't leave me with nearly as many unusual items in the kitchen as my mom did, since I had been doing most of the grocery shopping and cooking for the past four months.  I just took the opportunity to throw out all the really old salad dressings and condiments that he had never let me.  Mayo that expired in 2008?

What I'm stuck with now is two-and-a-half cases of Two-Buck Chuck (Charles Shaw's finest Chardonnay) and a boatload of crackers.  There are six boxes of fancy kinds, several ziplock baggies of partial boxes, and an unopened Costco box of Wheat Thins.  I like crackers as much as the next person, but that's a lot.  And they do get stale if you don't make an effort to finish them.  Plus, I still haven't finished the Passover matzoh.

So, for a while, I'm going to be posting a lot of dips and spreads.  Maybe I'll find sections of cookbooks that I've never read, since my hors d'oeuvres tend to be of the canapĂ© sort, instead of crackers and cheese.

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